[Foundry] Magic items — May '24

[Foundry] Magic items — May '24
Jump into the game with these VTT-ready magic items. Carefully converted and packaged with ease of use and DAE in mind, you can drop these digital item cards directly into your campaigns using Foundry VTT!
This pack of content only requires the "Dynamic Active Effects" (DAE) mod. Optionally, the following two mods can add some expanded functionality to this content. You can install these optional mods, as well as this Saddlebag content, all from the Install Module window.
“Midi Quality of Life Improvements” (midi-qol), by Tim Posney: expanded DAE support. (Git page)
“Magic Items” by Simone: added spell support on items that enable casting of spells (Git page)
You will receive:
An email including a .txt file containing the URL of the JSON manifest. Open the file, copy the URL, and use that to install the module in Foundry. Easy!
Bite-Back Belt
Floral Chime
Bangle of the Starlight Raven
Harp of Dragons
Hat of the Nimbus Mage
Healer's Voice
Honey Scepter
Quiver of Lightning
Ring of Perpetual Momentum
Ring of Salt
Ring of Vitality
Swallowtail Mantle
Wond of Fireballs
Very Rare
Bardic Leathers
Crack of Thunder
Deathmetal Axe
Mediator's Amulet
Astral Aegis
Axe of Essential Inversion
Rose of the Queen Valkyrie